The Invitation Dance
The Invitation Dance3/4L · J32
1-4 | 1M crosses (passing partner RSh) & casts 1 place as 1L dances in & follows partner to end side by side in 2nd place
5-8 | 1L dances RH across with 2s while 1M dances LH across with 3s
9-16 | 1s in prom hold dance diagonal reel of 3 with 1st corners (start RSh to 2M)
17-24 | 1s in prom hold dance diagonal reel of 3 with 2nd corners (start LSh to 3M) ending in middle dancing down
25-32 | 1s lead down & cross below 3s & cast up to 2nd places, 2s+1s+3s turn partners RH